Inside Joey's Jars

Can you keep a secret 🤫, if not walk away.

Are you ready to step into an empowered community? If so, lean in. We're not here for the timid, the complacent, or those who settle for less than they deserve. We're for the ambitious, the dedicated—the ones who juggle multiple roles and responsibilities with grace. We're for those who strive for excellence, who embrace challenges, and who are determined to make their mark on the world. We stand with the trailblazers, and we believe in your potential. So if you're wondering if you belong here, rest assured, your journey to greatness is just beginning.

We've built each jar with meticulous attention to detail for each and every recipe, even the ones to come and the ones that didn't even make the cut. We have a zero tolerance policy for anything but perfection. 

So here are our hard earned wins, soon to be yours with each and every Joey's Jar you shake and serve up.

  1. Each of our POWER-POT snack jars come in at 200 calories macros linked here. Talk about lean with MORE THAN 20G OF PROTEIN in every one!
  2. All our jars are full of fibre. Who cares right? Fibre helps us live longer and feel fuller for longer, helping you to beat the dreaded 3pm slump. So yes, high fibre, you're welcome.
  3. If that's not enough, all our jars are also zero waste. When you've thoroughly enjoyed the entire contents of the most delicious, nutrient dense, jaw dropping meal you've had up until your first Joey's Jar, you simply return the jar back to us; dirty and EASY! Yes you read that right. You can return it to us directly, or from wherever you bought the jar. Pretty great right. We'll even come and collect every 12th jar, easy and sustainable! 🤘
  4. There's more, what, how? With each 12th jar you return, we'll hook you up with an all expenses paid jar of your choice to add to your next order!
  5. Ok, we don't wanna brag any more, EVEN THOUGH WE ABSOLUTELY COULD RIFF OFF ANOTHER 20 WINS RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. But we know we all have responsibilities and priorities in life, so don't fall down on your nutrition, use Joey's Jars to make optimal snacks the easiest ones, conquering the issue of lack of choice on the go and lack of energy / time when you get home.
    We'd rather you spend you're time fighting fires and saving lives. We're just here when you want to fight even bigger fires and save even more lives. 😉

All together, a Joey's Jar is a mystical beast of a meal that's bursting with flavour, protein and nutritional breakthroughs. If everyone ate Joey's Jars, we'd save the NHS millions in hours and medicine. But there aren't enough of us to do that yet, YET.

Are you still reading? If so, fair play, this is exactly the type of resilience and drive that separates you from the average and makes you the inspiration to your friends, the hero of your family and the proud director of your own life.

    Joey's Jars are more than just a snack, they are a moment of pure, unadulterated pleasure for your taste buds; leaving you energised and satisfied. Meaning no more binges, no more crashes and no more hours gone hungry… This radically better snack jar will revolutionise your snacking for good! Above all else though, they taste sensational. Everything else follows after, but taste is our priority as we're sure it is yours.

    If this all sounds like the win you didn't think you needed, or could even have, till now. Perhaps it's time to make a change? You know the rest.

    Get fit and stay sexy with Joey’s Jars!